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Boarding Requirements

******Please CALL or TEXT 30 minutes prior to your arrival. Reservations WILL NOT be accepted without a 1-day non-refundable deposit. ******

Non-refundable Deposit

There is a 1-day non-refundable deposit required to complete the reservation. The deposit goes towards your stay. Deposits paid for broken reservations will not be refunded. 


Confirm your Reservation

Please contact us at 804-239-9653 to confirm your boarders reservation. We devote a lot of time to our guests, giving us a call to confirm helps us to ensure we are prepared for your visit.


Required Documents

Please print and complete the Board Release Form. A hard copy of the completed release and proof of vaccinations are required at check-in. Disclaimer : "By boarding your pet with us, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for any damages caused by your pet during their stay at our facility. We cannot be held liable for any such damages."

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